This week’s service at 11.00 am will be led by Mike Jackson. There will be refreshments following the service in the schoolroom.
The collection last Sunday amounted to £142
Next week’s service at 11.00 am will be at Chapel Lane and led by Andy Skitt.
This Week’s Notices
Monday 27th January at 6 pm. Meditations with Carys Woodley. These are for Christians and those of other or no faith. These meditations are valued times of pause and peace. The meditations are based on bible readings, no knowledge of the Bible is needed you will be led into the meditation and guided into how to spend the time of reflection. These are the Zoom details for the group, which will be the same and held on the last Monday of the month.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 943 9480 3571 Passcode: 039007
Wednesday 29th January at 11.00 am – 12.30pm. “Difficult Questions” at Ruthie’s. This date is a postponement from the last arranged date due to bad weather.
Advance Notices
Saturday 8th February 10 am – noon. Coffee morning run by Welshampton Methodists at Welshampton Parish Hall in aid of Alzheimer’s Research UK. Homemade produce or items for sale or raffle would be welcome as well as your presence.
Tuesday 11th February at 7 pm Church Council meeting at Ellesmere.
Difficult Questions at Ruthie’s. Future dates will be: 28th February, 28th March, 25th April, 23rd May and 27th June. We welcome anyone who would like to join this informal and supportive group.
Other Notices
Envelope Scheme. Members of the scheme will be aware that last year’s envelopes run out at the end of this month. Envelopes for this year are now available next to the collection plate.
Facebook. You can follow us on Facebook “Ellesmere Methodist Church“, “Shropshire and Marches” and for the mobile outreach trailer “Memo Shropshire”.
Mothers & Toddlers. Mothers bring their toddlers on Tuesday mornings to play in the schoolroom. If anyone would like to help the current volunteers please, they would be grateful. It would involve a commitment of only once per month, from 8.45 – 11.00am, serving hot drinks and tidying up afterwards. Please speak to Julia.
If anyone has any items to add to these notices please contact Ruthie (email: alukundo@gmail.com) who will happily include them.
Please pass on the content of these notices to anyone who may be interested or who is unable to attend church.
Please note: in future, these notices will be emailed to those who have this facility, printed copies will only be provided for the others, unless requested.
Rev Julia Skitt 16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry SY11 2NB
Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778 email: juliaskitt@mail.com
Deacon Carys Woodley Tel:01939235504 email: deaconcarys@yahoo.com