This week’s service with Holy Communion will be led by Rev. Ian Hutchings.
There will be refreshments after the service.
Next week’s service will be led by Dr. J. Woolley
This week’s Notices
Wednesday 30th October 11.00 am – 2.00 pm Autumn half-term Art & Craft in the MEMO trailer at Whixall marina. Activities for all ages.
Advance Notices
Tuesday, 5th November at 3.30 pm Church Council meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Thursday 7th November at 7 pm. Eco Church. St Mary’s Parish church in Chirk are hosting an evening for other churches on this theme, Rev. Matt Wilinson is inviting members from Methodist churches if they would like to work towards Eco Church Awards.
Saturday 9th November 10 am – 12 noon Coffee morning at Ellesmere Methodist Church. Offers of cakes and bakes, bric-a-brac and raffle prizes would be welcome.
Friday 15th November Shoeboxes need to be delivered to the nearest Methodist church by this date.
Saturday 16th November 10 am – noon. Welshampton Parish Hall coffee morning to support Brain Tumour Research. £2 entry and refreshment. Raffle and ‘Bring & Buy’ table.
Saturday, November 16th at 2 pm Forest Church meeting by the ice cream kiosk by the mere and boathouse. Theme will be ‘Water’ with Deacon Carys.
Meditations with Carys Woodley on the last Monday of the month. These are for Christians and those of other or no faith and take place on the last Monday of the month. Join Zoom meeting on
https: //zoom.us/j/94394803571?pwd=YkNOUU5uUi95UEoxaGFCLzAOUE1WQT09
Meeting ID: 943 9480 3571 Passcode: 039007
Future Dates: 28th October, 25th November both at 6 pm.
Other Notices
Church cleaning. Many thanks to Nelly and Christine who cleaned the church this weekend.
The amalgamation of congregations into one Church Council (see document on notice board).
Difficult Questions For the next few weeks we will be studying the film “The King’s Speech”. We meet at Ruthie’s on the third Friday of the month. The next dates are 13th Nov. and 13th Dec. It is an informal group, we all found that studying the last film (about Stephen Hawking’s life) was very fruitful and inspiring. Please contact Julia if you would like to join us.
Christmas cards. Ruthie has this year’s Christmas cards for sale (£3.99 for a pack of 10) in support of Alzheimer’s Research UK. They will be available to buy when we meet for refreshments following the morning services.
Shoebox Appeal Please would you consider again this year offering a Christmas shoebox for young people. Julia & Ruthie have leaflets and labels if needed – please ask if you would like any. There is an option to send £20 via the website (https://teams4u.com/shoebox-resources/) if it would be difficult to collect items and a shoebox will be packed for you. This website also has many resources and videos.
Facebook. You can follow us on Facebook “Ellesmere Methodist Church“, “Shropshire and Marches” and for the mobile outreach trailer “Memo Shropshire”.
If anyone has any item to add to these notices, please contact Ruthie (email: alukundo@gmail.com) who will happily include it. Please pass on these notices to anyone whom you think might like them or who is unable to attend church. Thank you. Please note: if you were not handed these notices to you personally, there are copies on the table in the foyer – please help yourself.
Rev Julia Skitt 16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry SY11 2NB
Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778 email: juliaskitt@mail.com
Deacon Carys Woodley Tel:01939235504 email: deaconcarys@yahoo.com