Notices 14/04/24


SUNDAY 14th APRIL 2024

This week’s service at Chapel Lane will be led by Andy Skitt. 

The collection for 31st March amounted to £240 and for 7th April £149.

Next week’s service will be led by Rev. C. Foyn

This week’s Notices

Monday 15th April at 7pm Circuit Forum via zoom. Theme: “Our Christian faith and the environment – choices and challenges”.


Meeting ID: 899 3390 4864   Passcode: 334255 or dial 0131 460 1196

Friday 19th at 9.30am “Difficult Questions” at Ruthie’s.  We are happy to welcome new faces to this informal gathering where views are openly discussed and respected.  You can come and go as you please, it is not a series, each session stands alone.  Please let Ruthie know if you would like to come (Tel: 01691 624704 – for seating reasons!). Further information available from Rev. Julia.

Saturday 20th at 6.00pm. Forest Church with Carys at Welsh End. Theme: fire pit sharing and nature weaving. If able bring evergreen cuttings and twigs for weaving.

Other Notices

The Circuit Administrator has informed us of the death of Laurence Taylor.  There will be a memorial/thanksgiving service on Saturday 27th April at Broad Street, Ludlow at 3.00pm.  This will be available on zoom at or by dialling 0203 481 5237 to listen by phone. ID: 923 826 4576

Please speak to Joyce or Julia if you can help to clean the church to relieve Joyce and Tony who have been doing this for a long time.  It is time for others to step up please!

The Coffee morning yesterday at Welshampton Parish Hall, raised £250 for Alzheimer’s Research UK.  The volunteers and organisers of Welshampton Methodist church thank all those who attended and contributed to an enjoyable morning of local social interaction.

If anyone has any item to add to these notices, please contact Ruthie ( who will happily include it.

Please pass on these notices to anyone whom you think might like them or who is unable to attend church. Thank you.  Please note: if you were not handed these notices to you personally, there are copies on the table in the foyer – please help yourself.

Rev Julia Skitt                                                         Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778 (mob) 16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry                                          Oswestry  SY11 2NB               

Deacon Carys Woodley                                                                                  Tel:01939235504