Notices 15/09/24


This week’s communion service will be led by Rev. Julia Skitt.  There will be refreshments after the service.

The collection on 8th September amounted to £129.50.

Next week’s service will be at Chapel Lane and led by Mrs Olwen Weller (NB This is a change to the Plan).

This week’s Notices

Friday, 20th September at 9.30 am at Ruthie’s.  Difficult Questions (see below).

Saturday, 21st September at 6 pm.  Forest Church with Deacon Carys at Welsh End.  A time of worshipping God with our senses in beautiful outdoor spaces.  Please confirm time and place with Carys.

Saturday, 21st September at 6 pm.  Forest Church with Deacon Carys at Welsh End.  A time of worshipping God with our senses in beautiful outdoor spaces.  Please confirm time and place with Carys.

Advance Notices

Sunday, 6th October is Ellesmere’s Harvest Festival.  Donations of dry goods would be appreciated which will be donated to the food bank, and other produce will be sold, the money raised sent to Water Aid.  The service will be led by Rev. Julia Skitt when there will also be a baptism.

Meditations with Carys Woodley on the last Monday of the month.  These are for Christians and those of other or no faith and take place on the last Monday of the month.  Join Zoom meeting on:

https: //

Meeting ID: 943 9480 3571   Passcode: 039007  Future Dates as follows:

23rd September, 28th October, 25th November all at 6pm.

Saturday, 28th September 10.30-am-4.15pm Environment Day Conference.  The Circuit ‘Care for Creation’ Group is not organising an Awayday this year (as in the past 3 years) but is joining with the Environment Conference that is being organised at St. Laurence’s Church in Church Stretton by the Diocese of Hereford.  (See details on noticeboard in foyer).

Saturday, 12th October 10am-noon Lee Bridges are holding a coffee morning at Hordley Village Hall (SY12 9BQ).  There will be home-made cakes, preserves etc. for sale.   Support would be appreciated.

Other Notices

The amalgamation of congregations into one Church Council (see document on notice board).

Welshampton Methodists held a coffee morning yesterday for Macmillan Cancer Support and raised an incredible £501.  They thank all who supported them and particularly the Ellesmere Methodists who regularly attend.

Difficult Questions  For the next few weeks we will be studying the film “The King’s Speech”.  We meet at Ruthie’s on the third Friday of the month.  The next dates are 18th Oct, 13th Nov. and 20th Dec. It is an informal group, we all found that studying the last film (about Stephen Hawking’s life) was very fruitful and inspiring.  Please contact Julia if you would like to join us.

Church cleaning.  Thanks to Jane Bozian who helped clean the church this weekend.

Facebook.  You can follow us on facebook “Ellesmere Methodist Church“, “Shropshire and Marches” and for the mobile outreach trailer “Memo Shropshire”.

If anyone has any item to add to these notices, please contact Ruthie (email: who will happily include it.  Please pass on these notices to anyone whom you think might like them or who is unable to attend church. Thank you.  Please note: if you were not handed these notices to you personally, there are copies on the table in the foyer – please help yourself.

Rev Julia Skitt  16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry  SY11 2NB           

Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778  email:

Deacon Carys Woodley Tel:01939235504  email: