This week’s service will be led by Mike Jackson. There will be refreshments following the service.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Sunday service next week, instead we will have our service on Saturday, 10th August at 3 pm. This is a “Simply Celebrate” service, a new initiative of Churches Together in Ellesmere every other month, alternating between us and the Parish Church. It is a light, accessible service of worship and activity followed by refreshments, welcoming people with limited ability or attention, their loved ones and carers, and anyone who would like to share fellowship. Offers of cakes are welcomed. (See notice in foyer and notice board in front of the church).
Advance Notices
Forest Church. Deacon Carys writes “For the first Sunday of the month we have our Forest Church gathering at Welsh End where so work is done & a sharing time of thoughts, poems or reflections with refreshments. 4th August 4 pm. This is an informal gathering with time for laughter and thoughtfulness. Please bring a long handle hoe if you have one.
Our normal Forest Church gathering is on the 3rd Saturday of the month. This will be on 17th August at 2 pm, we will be gathering at Pant Methodist church and then going for a short walk up the lane. At Forest Church, we connect to God by connecting to nature.”
Other Notices
Meditations with Carys Woodley. These are for Christians and those of other or no faith and take place on the last Monday of the month. Join Zoom meeting on
https: //zoom.us/j/94394803571?pwd=YkNOUU5uUi95UEoxaGFCLzAOUE1WQT09
Meeting ID: 943 9480 3571 Passcode: 039007
Future Dates as follows:
26th August, 23rd September, 28th October, 25th November all at 6 pm.
Mobile Outreach. Look out for our trailer at local carnivals/events and check out our Facebook page.
Church Cleaning. Two people each weekend are now cleaning the church and schoolroom. With thanks to all those who have agreed to help. If anyone else would be willing to join the rota, they would be welcomed of course! Please contact Ruthie.
If anyone has any item to add to these notices, please contact Ruthie (email: alukundo@gmail.com) who will happily include it. Please pass on these notices to anyone whom you think might like them or who is unable to attend church. Thank you. Please note: if you were not handed these notices to you personally, there are copies on the table in the foyer – please help yourself.
Rev Julia Skitt 16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry SY11 2NB
Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778 email: juliaskitt@mail.com
Deacon Carys Woodley Tel:01939235504 email: deaconcarys@yahoo.com