This week’s service will be led by Mike Jackson
Next week’s service will be at Chapel Lane and led by Rev. Shoreman
This Week’s Notices
Monday 9th December at 6 pm. Meditations with Carys Woodley. These are for Christians and those of other or no faith (see below).
Wednesday 11th December 10.30-12.30 pm Coffee morning at Prees Methodist Chapel. Donations to Shelter.
Friday, December 13th, at 9.30 am: “Difficult Questions.” We are currently studying the film The King’s Speech. We meet at Ruthie’s on the third Friday of the month. It is an informal group. Please contact Julia if you would like to join us.
Saturday 14th December at 3pm. “Simply Celebrate” The bi-monthly get-together of approximately half an hour for people with limited attention-span or a need to move around, and their carers from Ellesmere’s Methodist and Parish churches as well as the wider community. This is run by Revs. Pat and Julia who have been building this joint initiative. Today we will make christingles, sitting comfortably around tables to chat, learn more about the origin of the christingle, share songs and prayers and of course tea, cake and left over sweets! Children and adults of all ages and diversities very welcome. If anyone would like to bake something please let Julia know. Please let others know about this if you think they may be interested. (See poster in schoolroom)
Sunday 15th December at 12.30- 1.30 pm MEMO and Whixall Marina are holding their Carol Service. You and friends are invited for carols and readings and to visit their café for warming food and drinks.
Advance Notices
Tuesday 24th December 11.30 pm Christmas Eve service led by Rev Julia Skitt – always well-received by members of northern end churches. This is instead of a Christmas Day service.
Friday 10th January at 7 pm Looking ahead to the new year, Ruthie is organizing a Quiz night at Ellesmere. More information nearer the time.
Other Notices
From Deacon Carys: I will be leading an Advent Meditation, The dates left are 16th & 23rd Dec. All at 6 pm. People are welcome to come to one or several Mondays. These meditations are valued times of pause and peace. The meditations are based on bible readings, no knowledge of the Bible is needed you will be led into the meditation and guided into how to spend the time of reflection. These are the Zoom details for the group, which will be the same for the ‘last Monday of the month & advent meditations.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 943 9480 3571 Passcode: 039007
Facebook. You can follow us on Facebook “Ellesmere Methodist Church“, “Shropshire and Marches” and for the mobile outreach trailer “Memo Shropshire”.
We thank Joyce and Tony for again volunteering to clean the church. If anyone else would be willing and able to help it would lessen the responsibility of the few who already do so – please speak to Ruthie.
Welshampton Methodists
DISCUSSION EVENINGS at the Chapel – Come along and listen, ask or comment. You don’t have to have a Christian faith!
WEDNESDAY 11th DECEMBER 7 pm – 9 pm “Greetings Favoured One” – the Annunciation through word, song & picture. To be led by Rev. Frances Biseker.
THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER 7 pm – 9 pm “Reflecting on images of Christmas” – Encountering Christ through Christmas cards, and finding hope. To be led by Deacon Carys.
Everyone welcome to come along to any or all of these discussion evenings. There will be refreshments at the end of each for anyone wishing to stay and enjoy.
TUESDAY 24th DECEMBER at 6.30 pm – a short Service of Carols and Readings to celebrate Christmas Eve, plus REFRESHMENTS!
We warmly invite you to join us at any of the above events. More information from Gill 01948710481 or Zena 01948710281. A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS from all at Welshampton Methodist Church.
If anyone has any item to add to these notices, please contact Ruthie (email: alukundo@gmail.com) who will happily include it. Please pass on these notices to anyone whom you think might like them or who is unable to attend church. Thank you. Please note: if you were not handed these notices to you personally, there are copies on the table in the foyer – please help yourself.
Rev Julia Skitt 16 Wilfred Owen Avenue, Oswestry SY11 2NB
Tel: 01691 657349 and 07810360778 email: juliaskitt@mail.com
Deacon Carys Woodley Tel:01939235504 email: deaconcarys@yahoo.com